About Me

Jay here, an experienced software developer and a passionate tutor. Experience in full stack development, ML & Data Science, and deployment of application software in web-based environment and client-server architecture. Teaching is not my job,it's my passion; getting better at it, that's my job.

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  • Work Experience

  • Teaching Assistant

    Concordia University (Sep, 2022 - Current)

    Teaching Assistant for Data Structures & Algorithms under Dr Aiman Hanna.

  • Programming & Math Tutor

    Paper (Sep 2021 - Current)

    Provided one to one tutoring to K-12 students for Computer Science topics including Web Development, Java, Javascript, Python and Advanced Mathematics.

  • Software Developer Intern

    Paper (May, 2022 - Aug, 2022)

    Created a dashboard for superusers that displayed summary of tutoring sessions,subjects, and average usage. Implemented server-side web application logic and created APIs using Python, Node.js and Postman for testing.

  • Junior Software Developer

    eVital-Your Health Portal (Apr, 2021 - Sep, 2021)

    Created dashboards, billing and pricing algorithms, and frontend for a pharmacy software using HTML, CSS and TypeScript in Angular Framework, implemented server-side web application logic.

  • Data Science Intern

    Mindtree (Jun, 2019 - Aug, 2019)

    Analyzed a huge amount of air sensors’ data and eventually developed a predictive model for this data using neural networks, deployed the concepts of data engineering, exploratory data analysis, data modeling, and Machine Learning.

  • Education

  • Masters Degree

    Concordia University (2021 - 2023)

    Masters in Applied Computer Science

  • Bachelors Degree

    Ahmedabad University (2016 - 2020)

    Bachelors in Information and Communication Technology

What I Do ?

Fullstack Developent

HTML, CSS, JS, Java, Angular, React, Django, SQL, NodeJS, NPM

ML & Data Science

Python, Pytorch, Pandas, Keras, Tensorflow, Seaborn

Tutoring & TA

Programming, Advanced Maths, Data Structures & Algorithms



Frontend Developent95%

Backend Developement80%

Software Integration85%

ML & Data Science90%

Distributed System Design70%

Software Testing75%

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